
Venice Conference “West and Orients”- march 10th/14th

Venice Conference “West and Orients”- march 10th/14th

click here to see Ambassador Zanardi Landi’s speech

The Order of Malta, with the participation as a speaker of Ambassador Zanardi Landi, is present at the inaugural session of the Venice Conference “West and Orients”, an important event of reflection and of necessary dialogue, indispensable, especially today in relation to the great geopolitical tensions between Orient and West.
Invited by the Patriarch of Venice as Ambassador of the Order of Malta to the Holy See and as former Ambassador of Italy to the Russian Federation (2010-2013), Zanardi Landi spoke on the theme “A thousand years of exchanges between Italian, Russian and Slavic culture”.
“What is happening in Ukraine and between the West and Russia is a surgical amputation operated to the detriment of European culture and civilization, from which it will be very difficult to recover and recover ties, once fruitful and now lost” said the Ambassador “How can we rebuild what has been lost? Now it is almost impossible to think of an after, but an after there will be and it will take decades, generations to rebuild the broken bonds.
I believe it is important to keep contact and communication channels, even if thin, and I am sure that the Conference “West and Orients” responds perfectly, and very meritoriously, to this need”.

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