The General Conference on the dynamics and prospects of the Order of Malta’s diplomacy started in Rome, in the Magistral Villa on the Aventine, in the light of its centuries-old spiritual and humanitarian mission condensed in the motto Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum.
During the numerous panels, the interventions of the representatives of the Order of Malta were accompanied by those of high representatives of the Vatican world and of the Italian political, economic and academic world, ranging from topics dedicated to the geopolitical scenario, the governance and future strategies of the Order of Malta, going through the internal relations of the various bodies of the institution, up to the search for partnerships and funds for the realization of humanitarian initiatives. And also, examining the very topical issue of artificial intelligence and its ethical challenges, communication, the fight against false orders.
The Ambassador to the Holy See took part in the Conference and, together with the other Ambassadors present at the Conference and the Government Authorities, participated in the Private Audience of the Holy Father, which took place on the third and final day of the Conference.
Along with the work of the Conference, has been organized a special Program for the Ambassadors’ Wifes in Rome for the occasion, which has been accompanied by the Consort of the Ambassador to the Holy See to discover the most beautiful Roman Palaces and Museums, before concluding the tour with a Breakfast offered to the Ladies in the main rooms of Casa Litta-Palazzo Orsini.
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta