
Humanitarian Activities

Humanitarian Activities

After the restoration of Casa Litta – Palazzo Orsini at Teatro Marcello, completed between the end of 2019 and the whole of 2020 where the Embassy has its headquarters, thanks to the generous support of a group of Italian and foreign friends and sponsors, the Embassy itself has resumed its activities hosting an increasing number of events and directing the resulting contributions to the direct support of a number of charitable and assistance works.
Conceptually, and practically, this links the ownership of a historical residence of great value with the Order of Malta’s founding mission: to welcome and care for the sick and suffering.
Since the start of activities, after the conclusion of the restoration works, €110,000.00 has been donated to:

Educational project in favour of the University of Kisangani in the Rep. Dem. of Congo

The Order’s German Association, following the floods in August 2021

School Project in Bolivia, in favour of the schooling of indigent children

Youth Group of the Order of Malta’s ROME Delegation

Grand Priory of Lombardy and Venice, for Ukrainian refugees

Blessed Gérard’s Care Centre for AIDS patients, in the village of Mandeni, South Africa, run by the Rev. Father Gerard T. Lagleder O.S.B. of the Order of Malta Association ‘Brotherhood of Blessed Gerard’.

Order’s hospital in Bethlehem ‘Holy Family

CISOM Italian Relief Corps of the Order of Malta, through the provision of medical equipment for the Ambulances

Ordre de Malte France, supporting earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

Grand Priory of Naples and Sicily. to support activities for handicapped young people (summer camps and pilgrimages)

Catholic community in CIAD, support to restore the only local Parish

Support to a community of Franciscan monks

SMOM Delegation of the FVG, support in the framework of a Food Program in cooperation with the Caritas

Numerous needy families, directly or through donations to parishes and soup kitchens in the city of Rome

Grand Priory of Naples and Sicily, support for the summer camp for young people with disabilities

Category:  Notizie