
Visit of Members from the Pontifical University of Saint Anselm

Visit of Members from the Pontifical University of Saint Anselm

The Order’s Embassy to the Holy See has opened the doors of Casa Litta-Palazzo Orsini to a group of professors and researchers from the Pontifical University of Saint Anselm, led by Rector Prof. Bernhard A. Eckerstorfer, O.S.B.
The group was welcomed by the Minister Counsellor of the Embassy, Prince Alessandrojacopo Boncompagni Ludovisi, and during the visit were illustrated the most recent Charitable Projects supported by the Embassy and the Order of Malta’s millennial activity.
The visit of the University group, organized by the Embassy, also included two other locations of the Order of Malta, the Magistral Villa all’Aventino, with the Church of Piranesi, and the House of the Knights of Rhodes at Grillo and the event was a pleasant opportunity to share and deepen the knowledge of each other’s activities aimed at supporting the weakest.

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