
Udine – “Open Dialogues for Future” Forum

Udine – “Open Dialogues for Future” Forum

Organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Pordenone and Udine, in collaboration with The European House Ambrosetti and with the scientific direction of the journalist and writer Federico Rampini, the Forum “Open Dialogues for Future” was held in Udine.
Two days, on 2nd and 3rd March, of reflection on global emergencies in geopolitics and geoeconomics, with the help of 25 expert speakers from all around the world.
The Order of Malta is present at the important international event with the Ambassador to the Holy See, Antonio Zanardi Landi, invited as a speaker on the theme “Where is Europe going: East or Mediterranean”, with a focus on the strategic importance of the EU’s eastern border, with the fundamental role of the Baltic States and Poland, due to the Ukrainian conflict; the consequences of the entry into NATO of Sweden and Finland; the centrality of the enlarged Mediterranean and the southern border of Europe in energy matters.

Category:  Notizie